Here’s a question …
Do you aspire to be an MIT mom, a Caltech mom, a Stanford mom, or an ivy league mom? Or perhaps a mom of another favorite school? If “Yes”, then listen up. I can help you bring your aspiration to fruition. Who am I to make such a claim? Someone who has been there and done. Know More
Step #1 - Create Your Plan
- Do you even have a plan?
- Is your plan written on paper?
- Where do you see your kid in ten or twelve years from now?
- Is your kid onboard with your plan?

Step #2 - Plan Your Work
- Do you know WHAT math classes your kid should take?
- Do you know WHEN these math classes should be taken?
- When should your kid take his first SAT?

Step #4 - Prepare their Workspace
- Does your kid have a quite place to study?
- Does your kid study at the kitchen table?
- Does your kid study in front of the television?

Step #13 - Create an Academic Resume
- How should your kid prepare for a College Fair?
- Does he have an Academic Resume?
- Can your son smile, look an adult in the eye, and give a firm handshake?

Step #15 - Summertime Activities
- Plan your summertime activities well in advance
- Use summertime activities for academic acceleration
- Use summers for enrichment
- Have you made plans for this summer?

Step #20 - "The Recipe"
- Is there really a recipe to raise brilliant boys?
- Who wrote it?
- Does it work?
- Why haven't I heard of it before?